Inspired by Prologo‚Äôs successful road saddles, the X15 has a half-round shape, supports forward hip rotation, and is part of Prologo‚Äôs Mountain Biking and Enduro racing X series of saddles. The naming convention X means ‘Offoad’, and following number indicates the amount of wheel travel. Thus, the X15 caters to off-road bikes with wheel travel of 150mm.
- Inspired by Prologo‚Äôs successful road saddles, the X15 has a half-round shape, supports forward hip rotation, and is part of Prologo‚Äôs Mountain Biking and Enduro racing X series of saddles. The naming convention X means ‘Offoad’, and following number indicates the amount of wheel travel. Thus, the X15 caters to off-road bikes with wheel travel of 150mm.
- Light padding, nylon base, microfiber cover
- Best suited for the Cycling Enthusiast/ Multi-use riding applications
- Designed for XC/Cross country riding
- Side Protector bumpers to protect saddle cover from bumps and scratches
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